Focus on Masing as a leader

His outbursts against PBB leadership last week have not only received praises from his party leaders and members, but have also earned the respect of members of the Dayak community.
Watching Masing closely are also some 100,000 hardcore members of the defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) who have remained partyless upon the deregistration of the party more than four years ago as he has a round of spats with PBB over the Batang Ai seat and other issues.
Many of them have pity on Masing because they know that Masing and PRS have been bullied since the PRS crisis in 2006 and during the State election that year its candidate for the Balai Ringin constituency had been deprived of the seat to contest.
Instead PBB through Donald Lawan, a PBB man, and Sng Chee Hua, a rival for the PRS presidency at that time, hijacked the seat and laterally handed it to Snowdan Lawan (Donald Lawan’s son). Of course Snowdan is with Masing’s PRS now, but in his heart of hearts he is a PBB man.
Likewise in the March parliamentary election two of Masing’s preferred candidates were sidelined. Instead PBB put up candidates who have an inclination towards PBB to stand on a PRS ticket. Masing has tolerated all this while until he blew his tops recently. A week earlier, his “right hand” man not only accused PBB of a big bully, but also called on Abdul Taib Mahmud and Alfred Jabu to resign.
PRS is not the only party that has been bullied. Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP), led by William Mawan, has also suffered in the hands of the bullying PBB, although they will not admit it openly. SPDP’s representatives for Marudi, Sibuti, Batu Danau, Ba’Kelalan and Tasik Biru were not their candidates, but that of PBB’s.
Mawan was forced to lend the SPDP shirts to them to don. Having no choice, Mawan has to accept a “fait accompli”. Today the PBB men and a woman are firmly rooted as they hold important posts in the party.
After the departure of Tan Sri Leo Moggie and Datuk Sri Daniel Tajem from the political scene, the Dayaks are still looking for a leader, not a “confrontational” leader, or a leader who is only able to do “apple polishing” duties, but a leader who dares to speak for and defend the rights and interests of the community who have been marginalized, suppressed, bullied, unfairly, and unjustly treated. It appears that they have found one in Masing.
However, many ex-PBDS hardcore members still harbour ill-feelings against Masing for what he had done to PBDS, but they can still forgive and forget him if he can prove himself worthy of their and Dayaks’ support.
What they want from him is no more rhetoric, but a firm action. Their message to Masing and to anyone who aspires to be a leader is: Walk the talk to help the Dayak community.
More people want Taib to resign ~ ref. Malaysiakini
Recently it was Beginda Minda, publicity chief of Baleh branch of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) who asked Taib to resign. For those remarks Beginda was forced to resign from the party. Now the MP for Bandar Kuching, Chong Chieng Jen has joined the chorus.
In an interview with Malaysiakini, Chong not only asked Taib to resign, but also accused Taib’s family of accumulating “astronomical wealth” through State contracts such as RM300 million for the construction of the new State Assembly building. Many road and building projects have been awarded to CMS and Naim Cendera, both companies are owned by Taib’s family members and relatives.
Many more contracts are waiting for these companies in the proposed SCORE (Sarawak Corridor of Renewal Energy) that is expected to draw in more than RM100 billion of investments and the construction of 12 dams in the State.
Literally thousands of Sarawakians – whether they are Malays, Chinese or Dayaks – have expressed dissatisfaction with Taib’s administration, and have wished him to resign, but not many dare to express it publicly. Listen to them at offices, coffee shops, villages and longhouses and you hear them talking bad about Taib’s 27 years as chief minister and his family being awarded government contracts, etc. and etc.
Among the Dayaks, their common talks centre on thousands of acres of their Native Customary Rights (NCR) lands being taken away and are sold to big “towkays” who are mostly supporters and financiers of Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) for huge oil palm plantations.
Taib knows about the people’s resentment against his administration. In fact he knew it a long time ago so in December 1995 he announced he would retire by 2000 in order to pacify the people. (See the attached news cutting below: Sarawak Tribune, 7 Dec 1995).
Now it is eight years over due. And the people who were supposed to take over from him have disappeared into political oblivion. Such great names include Bujang Ulis, Dr. Sulaiman Daud, Abang Yusuf Puteh, Abang Abu Bakar and Adenan Satem.
The question the people of Sarawak are often asking is: Why does Taib continue to rule Sarawak despite of his age, health problems and the huge amount of wealth his family has accumulated?
One reason is perhaps he could not find a suitable and trusted leader to take over from him; someone whom he can trust to “look” after his (Taib’s) family’s businesses when he steps down. “Mau tidak mau” (whether he likes it or not or whether we like it or not), he has to wait for his own son, now a deputy minister of Tourism to take over from him as chief minister. That may take two more years or even longer as his son has just entered politics.
It appears that Taib wants to ensure that his family’s businesses will not be “disturbed” as he has seen how the Indonesian government seized properties belonging to Suharto’s family or the Philippines Government wanted the Marcos family to return to the people the ill-gotten properties.
And more frightening for Taib is that the Sarawakians may elect Pakatan Rakyat (People’s Alliance) to power in the coming State election or subsequent elections; worst still for him, if Anwar Ibrahim is to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Disclaimer: This is merely just my opinion and I do not intend to offend anybody nor do I'm trying to accuse or gossip anyone, let's be rational.
All the while we are talking about Sarawak representatives joining PKR or Pakatan Rakyat. We talked about Anwar Ibrahim, we lay our hope on him to be our saviour from Taib Mahmud dictactorship and through him we hope for the change. We hailed Adit for joining PKR and criticizing other Dayak leaders for scared to shout against Taib Mahmud. However, I'm not so sure whether this is the wise decission for us Sarawakian particularly the Dayak. To me Anwar Ibrahim is no better than Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or Najib and moreover we have to see who are the PR people.
The big question mark on me now is, Can we trust Anwar Ibrahim? What about his PR partners of DAP and PAS? Can Lim Kit Siang and Abdullah Awang Adi or Nik Aziz agreed to what Anwar has promised us? Unfortunately, we have to consider all the consequences that definitely
If all that can be done, we have to find another Rentap to lead us, we have to find the 'fearless Lang Rimba' to lead the Battle, but most of all the Sarawakian need to be united. When I'm saying Sarawakian, I'm not talking only on Dayak, I'm talking about all races of Sarawak.
So in conclusion, once we have found our true leader and Anwar have agreed to our terms, we have to be prepared for the change and no more 2nd and 3rd Taib Mahmud.
Lang Rimba

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